Capítulo 5Funciones de Order Superior
Tzu-li y Tzu-ssu estaban presumiendo acerca del tamaño de sus úlitmos programas. ‘Doscientas mil líneas ,’ dijo Tzu-li, ‘¡sin contar los comentarios!’. Tzu-ssu respondió, ‘Pssh, el mío tiene ya casi un millión de líneas.’ El Maestro Yuan-Ma dijo, ‘Mi mejor programa tiene quinientas líneas’. Oyendo esto, Tzu-li y Tzu-ssu fueron iluminados.
Hay dos formas de construir un diseño de software: Una forma es hacerlo tan simple que obviamente no tenga deficiencias, y la otra forma es hacerlo tan complicado que no haya obvias deficiecias.
Un programa grande es costoso y no sólo por el tiempo que toma construirlo. El tamaño casi siempre involucra complejidad, y la complejidad confunde a los programadores. Los programadores confundidos, a su vez, tienden a introducir errores (bugs) en los programas. Un programa grande, además, da un amplio espacio para que estos bugs se oculten, haciéndolos difíciles de encontrar.
Regresemos brevemente a los dos programas finales en la introducción. El primero es auto-contenido y tiene seis líneas de longitud.
var total = 0, cuenta = 1; while (cuenta <= 10) { total += cuenta; cuenta += 1; } console.log(total);
El segundo depende de dos funciones externas y es una sola línea
console.log(suma(rango(1, 10)));
¿Cuál de los dos es más probable que tenga un bug?
Si contamos el tamaño de definición de
y rango
, el segungo programa también es grande–incluso más
grande que el primero. Pero aún así, yo diría que es más probable
que sea correcto.
Es más probable que sea correcto porque la solución es expresada en un vocabulario que corresponde al problema que está siendo resuelto. Sumar un rango de enteros no tiene que ver con bucles y contadores. Es acerca de rangos y sumas.
Las definiciones de este vocabulario (las funciones suma
y rango
todavía incluirán bucles, contadores y otros detalles incidentales.
Pero debido a que están expresando conceptos más simples que el
programa como un todo, es más fácil acertar.
En el contexto de la programación, vocabularios de este estilo son usualmente llamados abstracción. Las abstracciones econden detalles y nos dan la habilidad de hablar de los problemas en un nivel más alto (o más abstracto).
Como una analogía, compara estas dos recetas para la sopa de guisantes:
Pon una 1 taza de guisantes secos por persona en un contenedor. Agrega agua hasta que los guisantes estén cubiertos. Deja los guisantes en el agua por lo menos 12 horas. Saca los guisantes del agua y ponlos en en un sartén para cocer. Agrega 4 copas de agua por persona. Cubre el sartén y mantén los hirviéndose a fuego lento por dos horas. Agrega la mitad de una cebolla por persona. Córtala en piezas con un cuchillo. Agrégalas a los guisantes. Toma un diente de ajo por persona. Córtalos en piezas con un cuchillo. Agrégalos a los guisantes. Toma una zanahoria por persona. Córtalas en piezas. ¡Con un cuchillo! Agrégalas a los guisantes. Cocina por 10 minutos más.
Por persona: 1 taza de guisantes partidos secos, media cebolla picada, un diente de ajo y una zanohoria.
Remoja los guisantes por 12 horas Soak peas for 12 hours. Hierve a fuego lento por 2 horas en 4 tazas(por persona). Pica y agrega los vegetales. Cocina por 10 minutos más.
La segunda es más corta y más fácil de interpretar. Pero necesitas entender unos cuántas palabras relacionadas con la cocina-remojar, picar y, imagino, vegetal.
Cuando programamos, no podemos confiar en que todas las palbras que necesitamos estén esperándonos en el diccionario. Así que podrías caer en el patrón de la primera receta–trabajar en los pasos precisos que la computadora debe realizar, uno por uno, sin ver los conceptos de alto nivel que estos expresan.
Se tiene que convertir en una segunda naturaleza, para un programador, notar cuando un concepto está rogando ser abstraído en una nueva palabra.
Abstrayendo transversal de array
Las fuunciones planas, como hemos visto hasta ahora, son una buena forma de construir abstracciones. Pero algunas veces se quedan cortas.
En el capítulo antterior, este tipo de
bucle for
apareció varias veces:
var array = [1, 2, 3]; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { var actual = array[i]; console.log(actual); }
Está tratando de decir,
"Cada elemento, escríbelo en la consola". Pero usa una forma rebuscada que
implica una variable i
, una revisión del tamaño del array y una declaración
de variable extra para guardar el elemento actual. A parte de causar un poco de
dolor de ojos, esto nos da mucho espacio para errores potenciales. Podríamos
qccidentalmente reusar la variable i
, escribir mal length
como lenght
confundir las variables i
y actual
y así por el estilo.
Así que tratemos de abstraer esto en una función. ¿Puedes pensar en alguna forma?
Bueno, es fácil escribir una función que vaya a través de un array y llamar
en cada elemento.
function logEach(array) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) console.log(array[i]); }
Pero, ¿qué pasa si queremos hacer otra cosa que loggear los elementos? Debido a que "hacer algo" puede ser representado como una función y las funciones son sólo valores, podemos pasar nuestra acción como un valor función.
function forEach(array, accion) { for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) accion(array[i]); } forEach(["Wampeter", "Foma", "Granfalloon"], console.log); // → Wampeter // → Foma // → Granfalloon
<<<<<<< HEAD
A menudo, no le pasas una función predefinida a forEach
sino que
creas una función en el acto.
(In some browsers, calling console.log
in this way does not work.
You can use alert
instead of console.log
if this example fails to
Often, you don’t pass a predefined function to forEach
but create
a function value on the spot instead.
>>>>>>> marijnh/master
var numeros = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], suma = 0; forEach(numeros, function(numero) { suma += numero; }); console.log(suma); // → 15
Esto luce muy parecido al clásico
bucle for
, con su cuerpo escrito debajo de él. Sin embargo,
ahora el cuerpo está dentro del valor función, así como
dentro de los paréntesis de la llamada a forEach
. Esta es la
razón de que tenga que ser terminado con una llave y un paréntesis de cierre.
Usando este patrón, podemos especificar un nombre
de variable para el elemento actual(numero
), en vez de tener que
tomarlo del array manuelmente.
De hecho, no necesitamos escribir forEach
nosotros mismos. Está disponible como un método estándar en los arrays.
Debido a que el array le es pasado como el elemento sobre el que actúa
el método, forEach
sólo recibe un argumento requerido: la función que será
ejecutada para cada elemento.
Para ilustrar lo útil que esto es, miremos otra vez la función del capítulo anterior. Contiene dos bucles que recorren un arreglo.
function reuneCorrelaciones(diario) { var phis = {}; for (var entrada = 0; entrada < diario.length; entrada++) { var eventos = diario[entrada].events; for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { var evento = eventos[i]; if (!(evento in phis)) phis[evento] = phi(tableFor(evento, diario)); } } return phis; }
la hace un poco más corta y limpia.
function reuneCorrelaciones(diario) { var phis = {}; diario.forEach(function(entrada) { entrada.eventos.forEach(function(evento) { if (!(evento in phis)) phis[evento] = phi(tableFor(evento, diario)); }); }); return phis; }
Las funciones que operan en otras funceiones, ya sea tomándolas como argumentos o regresándolas, son llamadas funciones de orden superior. Si ya has aceptado el hecho de que las funciones son valores reulares, no hay nada de especial en el hecho de que estas funciones existan. El términos viene de las matemáticas, en dónde la distinción entre las funciones y otros valores es tomado más seriamente.
Las funciones de orden superior nos permiten abstraer acciones, no sólo valores. Pueden venir en diferentes formas. Por ejemplo puedes tener funciones que creen nuevas funciones.
function mayorQue(n) { return function(m) { return m > n; }; } var mayorQue10 = mayorQue(10); console.log(mayorQue10(11)); // → true
Y puedes tener funciones que cambien otras funciones.
function ruidosa(f) { return function(arg) { console.log("llamando con", arg); var val = f(arg); console.log("llamada con", arg, "- got", val); return val; }; } ruidosa(Boolean)(0); // → llamando con 0 // → llamada con 0 - obtuve false
Incluso puedes escribir funciones que creen nuevos tipos control de flujo.
function a_menos_que(condicion, entonces) { if (!condicion) entonces(); } function repetir(veces, cuerpo) { for (var i = 0; i < veces; i++) cuerpo(i); } repetir(3, function(n) { a_menos_que(n % 2, function() { console.log(n, "es par"); }); }); // → 0 es par // → 2 es par
The lexical scoping
rules that we discussed in Chapter 3
work to our advantage when using functions in this way. In the previous example, the n
variable is a parameter to the outer function.
Because the inner function lives inside the environment of the outer
one, it can use n
. The bodies of such inner functions can access the
variables around them. They can play a role similar to the {}
used in regular loops and conditional statements. An important
difference is that variables declared inside inner functions do not
end up in the environment of the outer function. And that is usually a
good thing.
The noisy
defined earlier, which wraps its argument in another function, has a rather
serious deficit.
function noisy(f) { return function(arg) { console.log("calling with", arg); var val = f(arg); console.log("called with", arg, "- got", val); return val; }; }
If f
takes more than one parameter, it gets only the first one.
We could add a bunch of arguments to the inner function (arg1
, and so on) and pass them all to f
, but it is not clear how many
would be enough. This solution would also deprive f
of the
information in arguments.length
. Since we’d always pass the same
number of arguments, it wouldn’t know how many arguments were
originally given.
these kinds of situations, JavaScript functions have an apply
method. You pass it an array (or array-like object) of arguments, and
it will call the function with those arguments.
function transparentWrapping(f) { return function() { return f.apply(null, arguments); }; }
That’s a useless function, but it shows the pattern we are
interested in—the function it returns passes all of the given
arguments, and only those arguments, to f
. It does this by passing
its own arguments
object to apply
. The first argument to apply
for which we are passing null
here, can be used to simulate a
method call. We will come back to that in the
next chapter.
Higher-order functions that somehow apply a function to the
elements of an array are widely used in JavaScript. The forEach
method is the most primitive such function. There are a number of
other variants available as methods on arrays. To familiarize
ourselves with them, let’s play around with another data set.
A few years ago, someone crawled through a lot of archives and put together a book on the history of my family name (Haverbeke—meaning Oatbrook). I opened it hoping to find knights, pirates, and alchemists ... but the book turns out to be mostly full of Flemish farmers. For my amusement, I extracted the information on my direct ancestors and put it into a computer-readable format.
The file I created looks something like this:
[ {"name": "Emma de Milliano", "sex": "f", "born": 1876, "died": 1956, "father": "Petrus de Milliano", "mother": "Sophia van Damme"}, {"name": "Carolus Haverbeke", "sex": "m", "born": 1832, "died": 1905, "father": "Carel Haverbeke", "mother": "Maria van Brussel"}, … and so on ]
This format is called JSON (pronounced “Jason”), which stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is widely used as a data storage and communication format on the Web.
JSON is similar to JavaScript’s way of writing arrays and objects, with a few restrictions. All property names have to be surrounded by double quotes, and only simple data expressions are allowed—no function calls, variables, or anything that involves actual computation. Comments are not allowed in JSON.
gives us functions, JSON.stringify
and JSON.parse
, that convert
data from and to this format. The first takes a JavaScript value and
returns a JSON-encoded string. The second takes such a string and
converts it to the value it encodes.
var string = JSON.stringify({name: "X", born: 1980}); console.log(string); // → {"name":"X","born":1980} console.log(JSON.parse(string).born); // → 1980
The variable ANCESTRY_FILE
, available in
the sandbox for this chapter and in
a downloadable file on
the website, contains the
content of my JSON file as a string. Let’s decode it and see how
many people it contains.
var ancestry = JSON.parse(ANCESTRY_FILE); console.log(ancestry.length); // → 39
To find the people in the ancestry data set who were young in 1924, the following function might be helpful. It filters out the elements in an array that don’t pass a test.
function filter(array, test) { var passed = []; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (test(array[i])) passed.push(array[i]); } return passed; } console.log(filter(ancestry, function(person) { return person.born > 1900 && person.born < 1925; })); // → [{name: "Philibert Haverbeke", …}, …]
This uses the
argument named test
, a function value, to fill in a “gap” in the
computation. The test
function is called for each element, and its
return value determines whether an element is included in the returned
Three people in the file were alive and young in 1924: my grandfather, grandmother, and great-aunt.
Note how the
function, rather than deleting elements from the existing
array, builds up a new array with only the elements that pass the
test. This function is pure. It does not modify the array it is
Like forEach
, filter
is also a standard method on arrays. The
example defined the function only in order to show what it does
internally. From now on, we’ll use it like this instead:
console.log(ancestry.filter(function(person) { return person.father == "Carel Haverbeke"; })); // → [{name: "Carolus Haverbeke", …}]
Say we
have an array of objects representing people, produced by filtering
the ancestry
array somehow. But we want an array of names, which is
easier to read.
The map
method transforms an array by
applying a function to all of its elements and building a new array
from the returned values. The new array will have the same length as
the input array, but its content will have been “mapped” to a new form
by the function.
function map(array, transform) { var mapped = []; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) mapped.push(transform(array[i])); return mapped; } var overNinety = ancestry.filter(function(person) { return person.died - person.born > 90; }); console.log(map(overNinety, function(person) { return; })); // → ["Clara Aernoudts", "Emile Haverbeke", // "Maria Haverbeke"]
Interestingly, the people who lived to at least 90 years of age are the same three people who we saw before—the people who were young in the 1920s, which happens to be the most recent generation in my data set. I guess medicine has come a long way.
Like forEach
and filter
, map
is also a standard method on
Another common pattern of computation on arrays is computing a single value from them. Our recurring example, summing a collection of numbers, is an instance of this. Another example would be finding the person with the earliest year of birth in the data set.
The higher-order operation that represents this pattern is called reduce (or sometimes fold). You can think of it as folding up the array, one element at a time. When summing numbers, you’d start with the number zero and, for each element, combine it with the current sum by adding the two.
The parameters to the reduce
function are, apart from the array, a
combining function and a start value. This function is a little less
straightforward than filter
and map
, so pay careful attention.
function reduce(array, combine, start) { var current = start; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) current = combine(current, array[i]); return current; } console.log(reduce([1, 2, 3, 4], function(a, b) { return a + b; }, 0)); // → 10
The standard array method reduce
, which of course
corresponds to this function, has an added convenience. If your array
contains at least one element, you are allowed to leave off the
argument. The method will take the first element of the array
as its start value and start reducing at the second element.
To use reduce
to find my most
ancient known ancestor, we can write something like this:
console.log(ancestry.reduce(function(min, cur) { if (cur.born < min.born) return cur; else return min; })); // → {name: "Pauwels van Haverbeke", born: 1535, …}
Consider how we would have written the previous example (finding the person with the earliest year of birth) without higher-order functions. The code is not that much worse.
var min = ancestry[0]; for (var i = 1; i < ancestry.length; i++) { var cur = ancestry[i]; if (cur.born < min.born) min = cur; } console.log(min); // → {name: "Pauwels van Haverbeke", born: 1535, …}
There are a few more variables, and the program is two lines longer but still quite easy to understand.
Higher-order functions start to shine when you need to compose functions. As an example, let’s write code that finds the average age for men and for women in the data set.
function average(array) { function plus(a, b) { return a + b; } return array.reduce(plus) / array.length; } function age(p) { return p.died - p.born; } function male(p) { return == "m"; } function female(p) { return == "f"; } console.log(average(ancestry.filter(male).map(age))); // → 61.67 console.log(average(ancestry.filter(female).map(age))); // → 54.56
(It’s a bit
silly that we have to define plus
as a function, but operators in
JavaScript, unlike functions, are not values, so you can’t pass them
as arguments.)
Instead of tangling the logic into a big loop, it is neatly composed into the concepts we are interested in—determining sex, computing age, and averaging numbers. We can apply these one by one to get the result we are looking for.
This is fabulous for writing clear code. Unfortunately, this clarity comes at a cost.
In the happy land of elegant code and pretty rainbows, there lives a spoil-sport monster called inefficiency.
A program that processes an array is most elegantly expressed as a sequence of cleanly separated steps that each do something with the array and produce a new array. But building up all those intermediate arrays is somewhat expensive.
Likewise, passing a function to
and letting that method handle the array iteration for us is
convenient and easy to read. But function calls in JavaScript are
costly compared to simple loop bodies.
And so it goes with a lot of techniques that help improve the clarity of a program. Abstractions add layers between the raw things the computer is doing and the concepts we are working with and thus cause the machine to perform more work. This is not an iron law—there are programming languages that have better support for building abstractions without adding inefficiencies, and even in JavaScript, an experienced programmer can find ways to write abstract code that is still fast. But it is a problem that comes up a lot.
Fortunately, most computers are insanely fast. If you are processing a modest set of data or doing something that has to happen only on a human time scale (say, every time the user clicks a button), then it does not matter whether you wrote a pretty solution that takes half a millisecond or a super-optimized solution that takes a tenth of a millisecond.
It is helpful to roughly keep track of how often a piece of your program is going to run. If you have a loop inside a loop (either directly or through the outer loop calling a function that ends up performing the inner loop), the code inside the inner loop will end up running N×M times, where N is the number of times the outer loop repeats and M is the number of times the inner loop repeats within each iteration of the outer loop. If that inner loop contains another loop that makes P rounds, its body will run M×N×P times, and so on. This can add up to large numbers, and when a program is slow, the problem can often be traced to only a small part of the code, which sits inside an inner loop.
My grandfather, Philibert Haverbeke, is included in the data file. By starting with him, I can trace my lineage to find out whether the most ancient person in the data, Pauwels van Haverbeke, is my direct ancestor. And if he is, I would like to know how much DNA I theoretically share with him.
To be able to go from a parent’s name to the actual object that represents this person, we first build up an object that associates names with people.
var byName = {}; ancestry.forEach(function(person) { byName[] = person; }); console.log(byName["Philibert Haverbeke"]); // → {name: "Philibert Haverbeke", …}
Now, the problem is not entirely as simple as following the father
properties and counting how many we need to reach Pauwels. There are
several cases in the family tree where people married their second
cousins (tiny villages and all that). This causes the branches of the
family tree to rejoin in a few places, which means I share more than
1/2G of my genes with this person, where G for the number of
generations between Pauwels and me. This formula comes from the idea
that each generation splits the gene pool in two.
A reasonable way to think about
this problem is to look at it as being analogous to reduce
, which
condenses an array to a single value by repeatedly combining
values, left to right. In this case, we also want to condense our data
structure to a single value but in a way that follows family
lines. The shape of the data is that of a family tree, rather than a
flat list.
The way we want to reduce this shape is by computing a value for a given person by combining values from their ancestors. This can be done recursively: if we are interested in person A, we have to compute the values for A’s parents, which in turn requires us to compute the value for A’s grandparents, and so on. In principle, that’d require us to look at an infinite number of people, but since our data set is finite, we have to stop somewhere. We’ll allow a default value to be given to our reduction function, which will be used for people who are not in the data. In our case, that value is simply zero, on the assumption that people not in the list don’t share DNA with the ancestor we are looking at.
Given a person, a
function to combine values from the two parents of a given person, and
a default value, reduceAncestors
condenses a value from a family
function reduceAncestors(person, f, defaultValue) { function valueFor(person) { if (person == null) return defaultValue; else return f(person, valueFor(byName[person.mother]), valueFor(byName[person.father])); } return valueFor(person); }
The inner function (valueFor
) handles a
single person. Through the magic of recursion, it can simply call
itself to handle the father and the mother of this person. The
results, along with the person object itself, are passed to f
, which
returns the actual value for this person.
We can then use this to compute the amount of DNA my grandfather shared with Pauwels van Haverbeke and divide that by four.
function sharedDNA(person, fromMother, fromFather) { if ( == "Pauwels van Haverbeke") return 1; else return (fromMother + fromFather) / 2; } var ph = byName["Philibert Haverbeke"]; console.log(reduceAncestors(ph, sharedDNA, 0) / 4); // → 0.00049
The person with the name Pauwels van Haverbeke obviously shared 100 percent of his DNA with Pauwels van Haverbeke (there are no people who share names in the data set), so the function returns 1 for him. All other people share the average of the amounts that their parents share.
So, statistically speaking, I share about 0.05 percent of my DNA with this 16th-century person. It should be noted that this is only a statistical approximation, not an exact amount. It is a rather small number, but given how much genetic material we carry (about 3 billion base pairs), there’s still probably some aspect in the biological machine that is me that originates with Pauwels.
We could also have computed this number
without relying on reduceAncestors
. But separating the general
approach (condensing a family tree) from the specific case (computing
shared DNA) can improve the clarity of the code and allows us to reuse
the abstract part of the program for other cases. For example, the
following code finds the percentage of a person’s known ancestors who
lived past 70 (by lineage, so people may be counted multiple times):
function countAncestors(person, test) { function combine(current, fromMother, fromFather) { var thisOneCounts = current != person && test(current); return fromMother + fromFather + (thisOneCounts ? 1 : 0); } return reduceAncestors(person, combine, 0); } function longLivingPercentage(person) { var all = countAncestors(person, function(person) { return true; }); var longLiving = countAncestors(person, function(person) { return (person.died - person.born) >= 70; }); return longLiving / all; } console.log(longLivingPercentage(byName["Emile Haverbeke"])); // → 0.129
Such numbers are not to be taken too seriously, given that
our data set contains a rather arbitrary collection of people. But the
code illustrates the fact that reduceAncestors
gives us a useful
piece of vocabulary for working with the family tree data
The bind
method, which all
functions have, creates a new function that will call the original
function but with some of the arguments already fixed.
The following code shows an
example of bind
in use. It defines a function isInSet
tells us whether a person is in a given set of strings. To call
in order to collect those person objects whose names are in a
specific set, we can either write a function expression that makes a
call to isInSet
with our set as its first argument or partially
apply the isInSet
var theSet = ["Carel Haverbeke", "Maria van Brussel", "Donald Duck"]; function isInSet(set, person) { return set.indexOf( > -1; } console.log(ancestry.filter(function(person) { return isInSet(theSet, person); })); // → [{name: "Maria van Brussel", …}, // {name: "Carel Haverbeke", …}] console.log(ancestry.filter(isInSet.bind(null, theSet))); // → … same result
The call to bind
returns a function that will call isInSet
as first argument, followed by any remaining arguments given
to the bound function.
The first argument, where the example passes null
, is used
for method calls, similar to the first argument to apply
. I’ll
describe this in more detail in the
next chapter.
Being able to pass function values to other functions is not just a gimmick but a deeply useful aspect of JavaScript. It allows us to write computations with “gaps” in them as functions and have the code that calls these functions fill in those gaps by providing function values that describe the missing computations.
Arrays provide a number of useful higher-order methods—forEach
to do something with each element in an array, filter
to build a new
array with some elements filtered out, map
to build a new array
where each element has been put through a function, and reduce
combine all an array’s elements into a single value.
Functions have an apply
method that can be used to call them with an
array specifying their arguments. They also have a bind
which is used to create a partially applied version of the function.
Use the reduce
method in combination with
the concat
method to “flatten” an array of arrays into a single
array that has all the elements of the input arrays.
var arrays = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]]; // Your code here. // → [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Using the example data set from this chapter, compute the
average age difference between mothers and children (the age of the
mother when the child is born). You can use the average
defined earlier in this
Note that not all the mothers mentioned in the data
are themselves present in the array. The byName
object, which makes
it easy to find a person’s object from their name, might be useful
function average(array) { function plus(a, b) { return a + b; } return array.reduce(plus) / array.length; } var byName = {}; ancestry.forEach(function(person) { byName[] = person; }); // Your code here. // → 31.2
Because not all elements in
the ancestry
array produce useful data (we can’t compute the age
difference unless we know the birth date of the mother), we will have
to apply filter
in some manner before calling average
. You could
do it as a first pass, by defining a hasKnownMother
function and
filtering on that first. Alternatively, you could start by calling
and in your mapping function return either the age difference
or null
if no mother is known. Then, you can call filter
to remove
the null
elements before passing the array to average
When we looked up all the people in our data set that lived more than 90 years, only the latest generation in the data came out. Let’s take a closer look at that phenomenon.
Compute and output the average age of the people
in the ancestry data set per century. A person is assigned to a
century by taking their year of death, dividing it by 100,
and rounding it up, as in Math.ceil(person.died / 100)
function average(array) { function plus(a, b) { return a + b; } return array.reduce(plus) / array.length; } // Your code here. // → 16: 43.5 // 17: 51.2 // 18: 52.8 // 19: 54.8 // 20: 84.7 // 21: 94
The essence of this example lies in grouping the elements of a collection by some aspect of theirs—splitting the array of ancestors into smaller arrays with the ancestors for each century.
During the grouping process, keep an object that associates century names (numbers) with arrays of either person objects or ages. Since we do not know in advance what categories we will find, we’ll have to create them on the fly. For each person, after computing their century, we test whether that century was already known. If not, add an array for it. Then add the person (or age) to the array for the proper century.
Finally, a for
loop can
be used to print the average ages for the individual centuries.
bonus points, write a function groupBy
that abstracts the grouping
operation. It should accept as arguments an array and a function that
computes the group for an element in the array and returns an object
that maps group names to arrays of group members.
Arrays also come with the standard methods every
. Both take a predicate function that, when called with an array
element as argument, returns true or false. Just like &&
returns a true value only when the expressions on both sides are true,
returns true only when the predicate returns true for all
elements of the array. Similarly, some
returns true as soon as the
predicate returns true for any of the elements. They do not process
more elements than necessary—for example, if some
finds that the
predicate holds for the first element of the array, it will not look
at the values after that.
Write two functions, every
and some
, that behave like these
methods, except that they take the array as their first argument
rather than being a method.
// Your code here. console.log(every([NaN, NaN, NaN], isNaN)); // → true console.log(every([NaN, NaN, 4], isNaN)); // → false console.log(some([NaN, 3, 4], isNaN)); // → true console.log(some([2, 3, 4], isNaN)); // → false
The functions can follow a similar pattern to the
definition of forEach
at the
start of the chapter, except that they must return immediately (with
the right value) when the predicate function returns false—or true.
Don’t forget to put another return
statement after the loop so that
the function also returns the correct value when it reaches the end of
the array.